Official Compliant Filing

Administrative, Council, Documents, Forms

Info About Filing an Official Complaint

  1. Complainant name is kept confidential.

    The name of the person filing the complaint is seen by the strata manager and council. If a council member is involved in a complaint then they are removed from discussion about the complaint and seeing the complaint. During a council meeting wwhen the complaint is discussed only the strata lot who has the complaint filed against them is identified. If the complaint is discussed at a council meeting and an observer at that meeting is involved in the complaint, that person is removed from the discussion.

  2. Evidence is vital.

    Having photos, audio, video or other documentation that may prove your complaint is important in order to establish proof and avoid it becoming a They Said / They Said situation. Please use yor phone or other device to record evidence of your complaint. This will makes things resolve faster and get you a solution.

  3. Have others send in a complaint as well if they are affected.

    If you are not the only one affected, have others submit an official complaint as well. If we get comfirmation from others it helps to stregthen your complaint and may give council more information about the situation.

  4. Familiarize Yourself with the Complaint Protocol.

    The complaint protocol is listed on the cover page for the PDF Complaint Form. Please read it so you will understand how complaints are processed.

  5. Fines.

    Fine are $200. And while that is not chump change — it takes a lot of administration work on behalf of the strata manager and council and can take a long time to process, review, hear from both sides, fine and then collect the fine. So if you think your issue may be resolved with a conversation you may wish to to the Unofficial Let’s Talk first.



Okay Let’s Do this. And Thank You!

Online Complaint Form  //  PDF Complaint Form