News and Notices

Free Mail Option – Carnegie Centre

Carnegie Community Centre

401 Main Street, Vancouver, BC   V6A 2T7

Carengie Community Centre will pick up and hold personal mail (not packages) for you at the centre. Address the mail to you c/o Carengie at the above address and they will pick it up at the depot and hold it for you to pick up at the centre. Simply walk into the centre to the informaiton desk, tell them your name, show ID and ask if they have mail for you.

Carenegie has been forced by Canada Post to pick up their mail from the depot for months and they offer this service to any individual for their personal mail. Mail only and not packages. They do not have the space available for packages.

Close. Kind. Free. Nice! – Thank you Carnegie

Zero Tolerance – Smoking and Garbage

Insurance Deductible Decreases 2022

Ξ  Important – Insurance Deductible Decreases 2022  Ξ

Effective January 1, 2022.- changes to property deductibles.
» All Risk deductible has decreased to $25,000
» Water/Sewer deductibles have decreased to $100,000

Please read the notice so you may be fully insured for the upcoming year.


2022 – 138 Appraisal  | 2022-138 Insurance Summary

Council Meetings

Council Meetings are not always posted on the calendar on the FSR website. I found out about the last one from someone in the know. I post meetings on the home page when I hear of them and they are within a month. For a link to join a council meeting as an observer please email the FSR strata manager,  Miroslav.Babjarcik  @  . [Just delete the spaces in the email address. then send : ]

Recycle/Compost Info – 20220106

Posted Recycling and Composting Info. Many thanks to Scott and to WMNorthWest for helping out with information. And big shout out to Scott for keeping all the recycling and compost running smoothly during ‘normal’ times and especially during this winter chaos.


This is my experience and I am doing my best to be accurate. Please do your own research and don’t take any of this as anything official.

If I can help further or if you have any corrections / edits / comments please drop me an email. Peace out.